Le 50 aziende più conosciute sul web

Ci sono Aziende e aziende. Certo, è difficile rientrare nella top 50 delle compagnie più ammirate e seguite al mondo (leggete l’articolo pubblicato dal Fortune http://fortune.com/worlds-most-admired-companies/) e strizzare l’occhio a marchi come Coca Cola o Amazon…

Quello che stupisce – e ci fa davvero capire quanto il marketing digitale in senso ampio fa da padrone – è il parametro utilizzato: la brand reputation. Non è più solo il fatturato a contare, ma quanto bene si parla del tuo marchio sul web.


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Se non sei su Internet stai perdendo un mercato globale da 280 miliardi.

How did they balance being so funny and being such respected artists?” This question was recently posed by a visitor in reference

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How did they balance being so funny and being such respected artists?” This question was recently posed by a visitor in reference

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How did they balance being so funny and being such respected artists?” This question was recently posed by a visitor in reference

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How did they balance being so funny and being such respected artists?” This question was recently posed by a visitor in reference

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How did they balance being so funny and being such respected artists?” This question was recently posed by a visitor in reference